
class BirdSongToolbox.ImportClass.Import_PrePd_Data(bird_id, sess_name, data_type='LPF_DS', location=None)

Import Prepared (PrePd) Data and its accompanying meta-data into the workspace for analysis


Bird Indentifier to Locate Specified Bird’s data folder


Experiment Day to Locate it’s Folder


String Directing the Type of Neural Signal to Import, (Options: ‘LPF_DS’, ‘LPF’, ‘Raw’)


  • This data has been prepared using self created Matlab scripts that required hand labeling.

Make sure that you have used the correct Data Preping script.

  • Naming Convention: <bird_id>_day_<#>

Meta Data

Bird Indentifier to Locate Specified Bird’s data folder


Experiment Day to Locate it’s Folder


Description of the Type of Data being Imported Options:

{‘LPF’: Low Pass Filter, ‘LPF_DS’: Low Pass Filtered & Downsampled, ‘raw’: Raw Data}


Time Duration of Birds Motif (in Samples)


Duration of Buffer used for Trials (in Samples)


Sample Frequency of Data (in Samples)


Number of Recording Channels used on Bird


List of Channels with Noise to be excluded from Common Average Referencing


Number of Motifs in data set


Number of Examples of Silence

Epoch Data

User Designated Neural data during Song Trials [Number of Trials]-> [Trial Length (Samples @ User Designated Sample Rate) x Ch]


User Designated Neural Data during Silent Trials [Number of Trials]-> [Trial Length (Samples @ User Designated Sample Rate) x Ch]


Audio of Trials, centered on motif [Number of Trials]-> [Trial Length (Samples @ 30KHz) x 1]


Audio of Silents Trials [Number of Trials]-> [Trial Length (Samples @ 30KHz) x 1]

Epoch Descriptors

Describes the quality of the Motif. Options:[‘Good’, ‘Bad’, ‘NM’: Not Motif] [Number of Trials x 1 (numpy.unicode_)]

.Song_Locationslist [Number of Trials x 1 (numpy.unicode_)]

Describes the Location of the Motif in the BOut, Options:[‘None’, ‘Beginning’: First Motif, ‘Ending’: Last Motif] [Number of Trials x 1 (numpy.unicode_)]


Describes Identity of which Syllable is dropped, Options:[‘None’: Nothing Dropped, ‘First Syllable’, ‘Last Syllable’] [Number of Trials x 1 (numpy.unicode_)] * This Annotation is mainly used for z020, may be deprecated in the future or update for more flexibility*

Epoch Indexes

Index of All Good Motifs, ‘Good’ is defined as having little noise and no dropped (or missing) syllables


Index of All Good First Motifs, this motif is the first motif in a bout and is classified as ‘Good’


Index of All Good Last Motifs, this motif is the last motif in a bout and is classified as ‘Good’


Index of All Bad Motifs with no dropped syllables, These motifs have interferring audio noise


Index of All Bad Motifs with the last syllable dropped, These motifs are classified as Bad


Index of All First Motifs in a Bout Regardless of Quality label, This is Useful for Clip-wise (Series) Analysis


Index of All Last Motifs in a Bout Regardless of Quality label, This is Useful for Clip-wise (Series) Analysis


Index of All Good Motifs in the middle of a Bout Regardless of Quality label, This is Useful for Clip-wise (Series) Analysis


Describe(self): Prints Relevant information about the Imported Data

__init__(self, bird_id, sess_name, data_type='LPF_DS', location=None)

Entire class self-constructs using modularized functions from Import_Birds_PrePd_Data() Use as a referenc to debug


Bird Indentifier to Locate Specified Bird’s data folder


Experiment Day to Locate it’s Folder


String Directing the Type of Neural Signal to Import, (Options: ‘LPF_DS’, ‘LPF’, ‘Raw’)

locationstr or Path object, (Optional)

Location to search for the data other than default PREPD_DATA_PATH (Optional)



Describe relevant shorthand information about this particular trial


Describe the Function and Revelant tools for using it

__init__(self, bird_id, sess_name[, …])

Entire class self-constructs using modularized functions from Import_Birds_PrePd_Data() Use as a referenc to debug


Describe relevant shorthand information about this particular trial


Describe the Function and Revelant tools for using it