
class BirdSongToolbox.import_data.ImportData(bird_id: str, session: str, data_type='LPF_DS', location=None)

Imports Data Specified by user into a Object Oriented Structure


Bird identifier to locate specified bird’s data folder


Experiment day to locate it’s Folder


String directing the type of neural signal to import, (Options: ‘LPF_DS’, ‘LPF’, ‘Raw’)

locationstr or Path, optional

Location to search for the data other than default CHUNKED_DATA_PATH (Optional if default path configured)


Bird identifier to locate specified bird’s data folder


Experiment day to locate it’s Folder

song_neurallist | shape = [Chunk]->(channels, Samples)

Neural data that is Low-Pass Filter at 400 Hz and Downsampled to 1 KHz, list of 2darrays

song_audiolist | shape = [Chunk]->(channels, Samples)

Audio data that is Bandpass Filtered between 300 and 10000 Hz, list of 2darrays

song_indexlist | shape = [Chunk]->(absolute start, absolute end)

List of the Absolute Start and End of Each Chunk for that Recordings Day

song_ledgerlist | shape = [Chunk]->(first epoch, …, last epoch)

Ledger of which epochs occur in each Chunk, Chunks that only contain one Epoch have a length of 1


array of the absolute start of the labels

kwe_epoch_timesarray, | shape = (num_motifs, 2)

Absolute start and end time of the old epochs (Start Sample, End Sample)

song_handlabelslist of dicts

List of all Dictionaries containing all of the handlabels for each chunk for one day shape: [chunk_num] -> {‘labels’ : [labels, onsets],

‘female’ : [labels, onsets], ‘KWE’ : [time], ‘old_epochs’ : {‘epoch_#’ : [labels, onsets]} # Only if Labeled the old way }

__init__(self, bird_id: str, session: str, data_type='LPF_DS', location=None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__(self, bird_id, session[, …])

Initialize self.